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How to make money quickly strike force heroes 2

how to make money quickly strike force heroes 2

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As seen in credits, challenge levels were mostly community members’ ideas, though many were changed far from original suggestions. In Strike Force Heroes series, Challenges are a series of missions not connected by storyline, typically involving special weapons quckly loadouts, different rules or altered gameplay. Strike Force Heroes 2 has 15 challenges, and the player can choose to play each challenge on Normal, Hard, or Insane, just like as in Campaign. The challenges themselves vary a lot, with many of them requiring specific strategies to play them effectively. The article provides descriptions for each challenge, and tips and strategies where applicable. If your weapon only works at close range, it might be the worth it to temporarily change the weapon or class you’re playing. With Auto Streak 3, the Battle Turret becomes available in 0.

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how to make money quickly strike force heroes 2
Explore the object is sent to the shock unit, designed to gather as much information about the beings who built the station. When it came to an end, a powerful explosion occurred and outright hordes of strangers appeared coming from under the ground, trying to destroy our heroes. The battle will be bloody, but you need to survive in it at any cost. Do not look back at partners and single-handedly make your way through the ranks of the enemy. Kill the enemies, get coins and improve your own weapons. Other interesting games: Gobtron.

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As seen in credits, challenge levels were mostly community members’ ideas, though many were changed far from original suggestions. In Strike Force Heroes series, Challenges are a series of missions not connected by storyline, typically involving special weapons or loadouts, different rules or altered gameplay. Strike Force Heroes 2 has 15 challenges, and the player can choose to play each challenge on Normal, Hard, or Insane, just like as in Campaign. The challenges themselves vary a lot, with many of them requiring specific strategies to play them effectively.

The article provides descriptions for each challenge, and tips and strategies where applicable. If your weapon only works at close range, it might be the worth it to temporarily change the weapon or class you’re playing.

With Auto Streak 3, the Battle Turret becomes available in 0. Sadly, it’s still not possible to place more than one turret at a time; considering this, the Auto Streak is here only for quick killstreak recharge, allowing you to place the turret again almost immediately after it gets destroyed. As of whether destroy the turret or kill the person who placed it: Enemy soldiers typically have less health than turrets, and when they die, so do turrets they created. However, they typically do more damage than their turrets, and may currently be on the opposite side of the map, making them time-consuming to reach — by the time you get to him, the turret may have already self-destructed.

So, if something needs to be done with that one annoying turret, it’d be simpler to aim at the turret itself rather than its owner — unless he is somewhere close and has weak weapons. Waiting also works, if you can afford the time. Wait for one or even better, both of teammates to go for the flag and walk behind them, using the secondary weapon to help them fight anyone they may encounter before the enemy base.

Using a teammate as a meat shield like that, you won’t be wasting your health too early. When you get close to enemy fortifications, bring out the shotgun, walk forward and destroy all the turrets and men in the way.

This is the part where Juggernaut’s high health pool shines, as he can afford being shot a lot as long as the enemy dies first, and with a strong enough shotgun it’s easily doable.

If you get damaged critically or see it’ll happen in a few secondsdeploy the turret as if it was designed to be a portable meat shield, and crouch behind it, all while continuing to fire upon any visible enemies. Now, assuming all the enemies are dead, quickly take the flag and retreat the way you came here, dropping turrets on the way if anyone spawns on your tail.

Repeat five times to win. Whether Mercenary or Juggernaut is better is debatable; both have pros and cons over the other, see. Tactics are not much different from usual deathmatches when you’ve been given below-average weapons — kill the enemies one by one, preferably hunting for low health ones, and try to not get surrounded.

Remember to reflect and dodge at least some of their attacks and you should be fine. And, when using Reflection Beam, keep in mind it’s possible that a magic ball hits somewhere close to you but out of Beam’s range, so you can’t reflect it, getting hurt by splash damage unless you run away in time. When in a need of time for health regeneration, cuddle to the outer side of one of these barrels, crouch and wait.

Due to how AI waypoints are placed in this map, the enemies rarely go here, making it a relatively safe spot.

That’s it, a ton of health but only a melee weapon, while the enemies all have ranged weapons. Since the score limit is 21 and the enemies start with 20 kills, you’re only allowed to die once The enemies, despite having pre-defined names, are assigned random equipment and weapons.

If someone gets an explosive or elemental weapon, running into him and making him kill himself will basically give an extra life. And, while giving kills to the enemies is not good, suiciding is perfectly acceptable: when things go bad, you can try to jump into the light column only if there are no enemies close to finish you off, of course and let it soak you up into the suicide zone — this way you don’t give enemies any score, and only lose one point.

Due to the huge health boost, it’s advised to use Juggernaut to take the most benefit from it — with level 50 Juggernaut you get a whopping health! Static Exoskel armor gives melee damage boost, take it for a direct damage output increase.

As for most notable options of attachments, it’d be either Deflection Plate and its damage resistance, so the thousands of health deplete slower, or Fuel Injectorwhich would give an extra damage boost for freeas increasing ammo consumption doesn’t work with a weapon that has infinite «ammo», or Hair Triggerto decrease the time between swings.

Mercenary can work too, mainly because of Bloodthirst allowing simple healing, but he lacks everything. Although Ban Hammer is strong maxing out at around damage per swing at your soldier’s level 50it has a somewhat low rate of fire about 1.

However, even with all the damage buffs it’s still likely that enemy Juggernauts won’t go down in one hit, so be prepared to take some damage from them and other high health guys. In-game, hunt for lone soldiers and only go for a large group of enemies if they mostly have weak weapons and you’re sure you’ll kill.

You’d be surprised how quick can health go down when all five enemies shoot at you at the same time. The enemies tend to visit the top of the map often, take caution whenever you’d want to go.

Don’t rush for score and take your time to regenerate health and you’ll be alright. Wall Hack has no impact on projectiles that rebound off terrain.

This includes EX 41, M32 and Throwing Knife; using them would most likely be disadvantageous as you’ll easily bump into a situation where the enemy can shoot at you through a wall but you can’t fire.

Long range weapons have the most benefit, as they fire far and now cannot be hidden from, though pretty much any non-melee weapon can work. Since hiding is not much of an option, hope for enemies to get short ranged weapons or weak medium- and long-range weapons and quite possibly restart if they all happen to be snipers. When capturing the flag, better hope that nobody shows up close while you travel back to your base, and if they do, try to run away from their efficient range, or possibly kill them before they kill you, if you have a truly strong secondary weapon and a lot of spare health.

As you can see from the quick description above, the enemies use killstreaks a lot. Regen Boost and Aim Boost do not give big benefits and can be ignored, while Critical Boost and Morale Boost give a much more noticeable enhancement to their already high DPSand that’s bad General ly, there are two different strategies available when facing medium-range-but-high-DPS enemies:. Tactics are not much different than in a regular gun gamejust remember you are dealing with explosives, and that skills and killstreaks are fixed.

It’ll help. In the community, this one has earned a title of a stupidly difficult challenge, and for a reason. First of all, this is a 1 VS 4 Domination, which already rings a bell. In a game mode where you must control certain static spots across the whole map, one team outnumbering another one plays a huge role, as they can be doing much more things at the same time, e. This cannot be countered, as simultaneously protecting two or more flag points is a difficult task requiring strong and, considering the distance between flag points, long range weapons and a good position And here comes the second problem: you do not have a proper option of attacking.

The only way to counter someone capturing your flag point is to crouch right on the flag and swing the Reflection Beam non-stop, waiting for the enemy to kill himself, while the other enemies can freely do all they want.

However, this requires clicking about 3. For this reason, the General with the Full Auto skill is a popular choice, replacing inconvenient rapid clicks with just holding down the left mouse button. In case rapid clicks are not a problem for you, a Juggernaut with a Deflection Plate is recommended, for further defenses. In-game, try to capture primarily side flags points, and only go for the central one if you have nothing better to.

Bots rarely if ever go specifically for flag points, preferring to pointlessly run around, and with these flag points being located somewhat far from the center of the map, there’s a chance they’d stay captured and unnoticed for a. As mentioned above, when someone is capturing your flag point and you can reach it relatively quickly, run to it, crouch near the enemy and repeatedly swing the Beam with the cursor positioned in general direction of where the enemy is — this should reflect any bullets coming from this side, with some of them returning back to sender and eventually killing.

Be warned that Elementals’ «projectiles» do not seem to get reflected properly, inevitably hurting you a lot no matter how hard you try; if an Elemental-wielding enemy comes to your flag, the only option is to stay away from it and watch it being captured, then wait for the enemy to go away so the point can be re-captured safely. Even if you’ve been playing the challenge right, there are high chances to lose anyway, mostly because of problems described in the first paragraph.

Be prepared for numerous restarts until you get luck on your. Kill enemies to -downgrade- your weapons. As for tactics, they are no different than in regular gun game : preferring health over all other stats, attachment abuse, hunting for low health enemies, and similar stuff.

While in most challenges there isn’t much freedom of choice, in this one almost any tactic works. You can camp at the sides of the map near the ammo packs, or wander around the map and hunt for the enemies; you can go with almost any weapon and it’ll work as long as you adjust your playstyle to account the weapon chosen — even Elementals can work greatly, and Melees are a possible option as.

Being a simple and interesting challenge, it’d nicely fit as the first challenge or one of the first onesbut for some reason it was placed almost immediately after the hardest one. One more thing to mention is that while all Ninjas are in the same team and do not attack each other, they for some reason do not have a shared team score. In the result, you’d have to get killed 15 times by the same Ninja in order to lose the challenge, which is very unlikely to happen unless done on purpose.

This makes Night of the Ninja the easiest challenge of the game. Resistance is futile, with a Flamethrower you don’t stand a chance against sniper rifles. The only aspect you can affect is who kills you: when being the OMA, try to walk up close to whoever has one of the lowest scores at the moment which can be checked at any time by pausing the game — by getting killed by one of the outsiders, you lower potential score of the leaders.

Each of first three points scored loses you a teammate, which defect to the enemy team and now fight alongside. With the challenge beginning as a 5 VS 3 game, it’ll start relatively easy, but afterwards you’ll be heavily outnumbered, with all these traitors rushing at your base. At this point it’s recommended to not unnecessarily prolong the mission, as that’d be nothing but a waste of ammo at a higher rate than it can be recovered; instead, try to outpace them in the flag capture race and get the remaining flags as fast as possible.

There’s one big bug: When a teammate betrays you and changes teams, his score does the sameeffectively stealing from your team all the score this specific teammate. Because of that, avoid having your temporary allies capture any flags; better do that. Even worse, the bug cannot possibly be fixed without major patching of the entire scoring system of the whole game.

This is typically chaotic. In Gun Games, it’s at least predictable what weapon goes next, which is not the case in this challenge. In one second that one weakling with a Flamethrower may suddenly get a DSR1 and kill anything he meets The strategy isn’t too complicated — when given a weak weapon, hide somewhere and wait for the weapon to change; when a strong weapon arrives, you know what to.

There’s a notable flaw in challenge’s mechanics: when you die and respawn, you’ll be holding your weapon chosen instead of a random one, until the next randomization changes it. This can be exploited to a great degree. Even worse, they can fire one mission 14 weapon AND one mission 15 weapon at the same time.

A double Death Laser combo can very well mean a death, no matter how hard you try, and the only reliable way to avoid it is to exploit the lasers’ timer ticking down even when the game is paused. Another problem with combo attacks is that the 2nd big red warning sign is sometimes visible only for a very short period or not visible at all, quite possibly failing to inform the player about the activation of the second weapon in the combo, making it a surprise.

The mission starts with you and two random opposing soldiers. They are invulnerable to and untargettable by all Mechs’ weapons, with an exception of one of them always being vulnerable and targettable by Hunter Missiles.

No matter who got killed by a Mech’s weapon, that’ll be counted towards the score of that one enemy invulnerable to missiles, often giving him a score lead, as if he «owned» the missiles and fired them. Jumping off the map counts as a suicide, as usual. The battle itself is simple: dodge at least some of Mechs’ attacks and kill the enemies frequently, and you’ll be alright.

You might want to get a relatively high health class EngineerMercenaryJuggernaut for this challenge, to be able to take some damage — considering how small the map is, not everything can be dodged, and it’ll be nice to have some spare health. Replicating how to make money quickly strike force heroes 2 last SFH1 challenge, this one throws you into a battle with the developers of the gamenamely Justin and Mike.

Unlike the SFH1 variant of the challenge, the enemies now change their weapons during the battle 3 times in totalgoing from pistols to sniper rifles and machine guns, and gain special power-ups when you’ve almost completed the challenge, desperately trying to not let the player win.

With their boss-like appearance, special skins, progressively changing weapons and human-like talking, the developers can be considered the most developed enemies, gameplay- and appearance-wise.

Strike Force Heroes 2/ cool skins and secret medals

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