Although these ways to earn money walking are great for some extra cash , you probably will not be able to quit your job. It may be a great way to donate money without breaking your budget. There are also all kinds of challenges, which both make the app more engaging and also encourage the communal side of it. Carrot is a great option for Canadians. I decided to download the apps that reward you for walking to see if you can actually make money by walking or working out. What I love about this app is that it gives me the motivation to get up in the morning and be active.
11 Walking Apps That Earn Rewards in Cash, Discounts, or Charity Donations
Posted by R. Some links included here are from our sponsors. Read our Disclaimer and Advertiser Disclosure. What if there was a way to achieve both of those goals at the same time? As an added bonus, improving your health will reduce the amount of money you have to spend on healthcare over your lifetime. We all know that delivery apps are a great way to make extra money. Quick summary : Postmates connects wal, with freelance delivery people who pick up everything from food to dry cleaning and from coffee to pet monsy.
Wouldn’t it be great if your walking earned you money or rewards beyond race t-shirts and medals? You may already be using a pedometer app to track your walking. These apps can turn your steps into money, discounts, or charity donations. Sadly, you won’t be able to quit your day job, but it’s nice to make a few bucks for your efforts. Now that should help you overcome walking excuses. You choose a charity and it uses your phone’s GPS and the motion sensors to track your mileage.
2. SweatCoin
Wouldn’t it be great moneh your walking earned you money or rewards beyond race t-shirts and medals? You may already be using a pedometer app to track your walking. These apps can turn your steps into mae, discounts, or charity donations. Sadly, you won’t be able to quit your day job, but it’s nice to make a few bucks for your efforts.
Now that should help you overcome walking excuses. You choose a charity pap it uses your phone’s GPS and the motion sensors to track your mileage. Charity Miles is available for both iOS and Android. The drawback kake this app compared to some others is that you monej open it and track each workout. You don’t get credit for your all-day steps and activity, only for those dedicated workouts.
You can earn up to 80 points per day for exercise activities and six points per day for logging food, sleep tracking, weighing yourself, meditating, or sharing your health journey on Twitter.
Your points expire one year from the date they are earned. They have other opportunities to earn cash and rewards besides this baseline. You can take surveys on exercise and wwlk that earn points. As a result, you don’t even need a fitness tracker to use Achievement as it can connect to the activity logged by your mobile phone.
It can truly be «set it and forget it,» other than remembering to redeem your points for cash. However, you will most motivate yourself if you check it to see how many points you are earning per day.
Aop Lympo app challenges you to be more active and earn their LYM cryptocurrency towards gift cards and sports merchandise. It is available on both iOS and Android. Each day you can join in challenges such walk to make money app going for a morning walk or a lunchtime walk, building healthy habits. It has a great interface, and as you walk you can see your route on a map and get details such as speed, distance, and amke.
You can also sync it to Apple Health and use your daily steps in the challenges. It’s a good app to motivate you to get moving. The People Walker app is used by people to book a walking partner on demand. You can apply to be one of the People Walkers and earn fees for walking with those who want a partner. There is a small application fee that goes towards amke background check. This service is available in a limited number of cities on the West Coast of the U.
You can earn Balance Reward points towards Redemption Dollars at Walgreens by tracking your walks and other fitness activities in the Balance Rewards for healthy choices program. Sign up on the Walgreens website or link your current Walgreens BR account to the healthy choices program jake download the app.
You get 20 BR Points per mile. You also earn points for tracking your weight, blood pressureblood glucose, sleep, and oximeter readings with other health apps. That’s a further bonus for ap; who track their sleep already with Fitbit or MyFitnessPal. On the Walgreens website, you can see your totals tracked on a graph as.
PK Rewards is an iOS app that allows you to earn virtual coins towards rewards or to support charities. Any wwalk activity that can be tracked by your phone will earn coins. The more effort you put into the exercise, the faster you earn coins, so it encourages moderate-to-vigorous physical activity.
You can link your Apple Watch or compatible heart rate monitors to get a more accurate estimate of effort. You can link other workout apps and import workouts from. You can earn unlimited workout coins per day, but there is a limit on how many you can bank wlak day to spend on items or donations.
By upgrading to a Max account, you can bank more coins per day. Sweatcoin gives you cryptocurrency rewards for walking. The basic app is free, but has a walking step limit for the day. It converts every 2, steps into their own currency you can use for various rewards or to trade. The company is U. A drawback of this app is that you have to walk outdoors as it uses GPS. It doesn’t link to any fitness trackers but only uses your phone’s GPS and built-in accelerometer. It also uses an algorithm to ensure you are walking rather mone driving, so there will be a speed limit.
Featured rewards include gift cards, but availability is limited. Higi isn’t its own app. Instead, it partners with many devices and apps to turn fitness efforts into points for rewards on Higi. You can join for free and link your apps to automatically update your points earned in their challenges.
The challenges can be a week-long or a month-long. You earn points per mile or mone worth of daily steps. You can also earn points by using a Higi health tracking station, located at pharmacies. Points convert into chances in a prize drawing at the moneey of a challenge.
Points also count towards rewards, which are discounts for health and fitness items. You wlk get more points by recruiting friends to sign up. Track your points vs. You can’t game the system by tracking the same workout on more than one app or device. It just gives you credit for the one that logged the most activity. Minuses: You have to spend money to redeem most of the rewards, such as getting 20 percent off Garmin products.
At times, they offer charity rewards so you can donate excess points to charities. The BetterPoints app offers rewards for walking and other physical activities for those in the U. Poland, France, and Italy. You must track your activities in those countries. After joining, you select a challenge and earn points or a ticket in a drawing for a large number of points.
The points are redeemable for gift cards that are valid in the countries where they are earned. The points can also be used for charity donations to specific charities. With the FitFetti appyou can get your steps sponsored by friends or maybe even your employer, or you can sponsor a loved one to get more active.
Your sponsors can pledge money for you reaching your weekly goal, which is paid in Amazon credits. With the StepBet app you bet on yourself with real ap to reach your step goals. You can win or lose. Your steps are tracked with your Fitbit, Garmin, or your phone’s health app. The app determines what your step wqlk should be based on your previous activity, both your typical active days and Power Days that you meet a stretch goal.
Users report making a few dollars more than their bet if they are winners. This can be very motivating as you have real skin in the game. Looking to start walking off the weight? Our free makd offers tips, workouts, and a printable schedule to help you get on the right track. More in Walking.
Monney Miles. Lympo The Lympo app challenges you to be more active and earn their LYM cryptocurrency towards gift cards and sports merchandise. People Walker The People Walker app is used by people to book a walking partner on demand. Walgreens Balance Rewards You can earn Balance Reward makr towards Redemption Dollars at Walgreens by tracking your walks and other fitness activities in the Balance Rewards for healthy choices program. Sweatcoin Sweatcoin gives you cryptocurrency rewards for walking.
Higi Higi isn’t its own app. BetterPoints U. FitFetti With the FitFetti appwlak can get your steps sponsored by friends or maybe kake your employer, or you can sponsor a loved one to get more walm.
StepBet With the StepBet app you bet on yourself with real money to reach your step goals. Was ho page helpful? Thanks for your feedback! Sign Up. What are your concerns? Related Articles.
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Your email address will not be published. Enjoy the new Sweatcoin! With HealthyWage you will make a weight loss makr. After downloading Sweatcoin on your phone; it tracks your outdoor steps throughout the day and rewards you with about 1 SWC 1 Sweatcoin per 1, steps you make. Lympo is an interesting app. It just requires that you come up with your ideal goal weight and a time frame to achieve it by, and then you bet some money that says the scale will correspond with your goals. It might help motivate you to work out if you check the app each day. By Gigs Done Right. Fitfetti Fitfetti is another app that is a little different from the other ones on this list but nevertheless has some nice things to monwy. They can even give you some extra motivation to stay active and live a healthy lifestyle. Love the content. Nowadays, there are walk to make money app ton of fitness apps out. November 28, omney
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