Spend a little less that month, and let your spouse have a larger percentage of your combined income. Just beware of scams and do thorough research before signing on. Word of mouth is still the most powerful way to generate business.
Money doesn’t buy happiness but it helps. Money has become one of the main things in our modern life. Some people live their lives to earn money. They work hard, trying to earn as much money as they. Some of them become crazy about it and lose their dignity hunting money. They don’t appreciate such important things as mote, friendship, love and other feelings.
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Educational resources of the Internet — English. A number of people believe that pocket money teaches teenagers to be responsible. Others say that teenagers are too young to deal with money and that their parents should just buy them what they need. Many parents wonder whether to give pocket money to their children and how much to give. Most Moms and Dads think that pocket money helps the child learn to handle money sensibly. However, pocket money may become a battleground if not handled correctly from the very start. Personally, I think that by giving pocket money parents help children learn to manage money while they are young.
Yours, Mine and Ours
Educational resources of the Internet — English. A number of people believe that pocket money teaches teenagers to be responsible. Others say that teenagers are too young to deal with money and that their parents should just buy them what they need. Many parents wonder whether to give pocket money to their children and how much to.
Most Moms and Dads think that pocket money helps the child learn to handle money sensibly. However, pocket money may become a battleground if not handled correctly from the very start. Personally, I think that by giving pocket money parents help children learn to manage money while they are young.
It also helps them make choices and feel that they are important members of the family. Even a small amount can give a child the feeling of responsibility pereon independence. Parents can suggest the child keeping a little book in their money box to record ins and outs. This will help with their mathematics and will encourage them to save money.
But in some families children are given what they ask for and do not get pocket money. Some parents think that pocket money can cause a number of problems.
For example, if children have a lot less than their friends they hoouse feel depressed and may be tempted to steal. On the other hand, when they have much more it can cause envy and resentment amongst their friends. Besides, I believe that parents person who makes more money in the house never give pocket money to their children as compensation for not spending enough time with them and as a reward for helping around the house.
To conclude, I think it is up to parents to decide mkre to give children pocket money or not. Anyway, parents should explain their sons and daughters that lots of money cannot buy love and happiness. Some people think they can be happy only being rich, while others don’t care too much about money. It is rather difficult to imagine our lives without money. People consider money to be part and parcel of their everyday lives.
They buy and sell different things, receive a fee, a pension or a subsidy, exchange currency and what not. People’s attitude to money can be quite different: for some of them money is the most important thing in the world, while other people don’t care much about money. In my opinion, the life of rich people is not only luxurious. It is also dangerous. There are quite a lot of people who want to deceive the rich.
Millionaires have to spend much money on security, but sometimes even such measures don’t help. Rich people are fhe robbed, kidnapped and killed. Besides, they have to work much and that is why they spend very little time with their families and they often feel stressed. But in spite of all dangers and difficulties, sho people are sure that money and happiness are synonyms. They believe that money can make them powerful and independent.
They dream of expensive cars and luxurious mansions. Some people think that we live in the world where almost everything can be bought and sold. They even make friends and marry for money. To my mind, money becomes a kind of addiction for such people. To sum up, money is very useful as a medium of exchange, a unit of account and a store of value.
But it person who makes more money in the house «the root of all evil» when it makes people take bribes, betray their partners or commit crimes. I think that «money is a good servant but a bad master. A lot of people say that it is very important for everybody to own property. However, others are not so sure that property can make our lives better. Everyone has some possessions. People own cars, buildings, land, money, bonds, stocks and so on. We are used to consuming, selling, renting, iin, transferring or exchanging our property.
But sometimes people attach too much importance to their possessions. Personally, I believe that property is not the most important thing in our lives. It may arouse other people’s envy and it is difficult to say whether people surrounding you are your real friends or they just like your possessions and want to make use of.
I strongly feel that having friends, parents, relatives, spouses and children who love and understand you is better than possessing money, houses or securities. However, there are people whose desire to own things predominates over all other feelings. They often become «slaves of property». They usually try to make a commercial use of everything and the main aim of their lives is accumulation of their hhouse.
They sometimes buy beautiful pictures and sculptures not because they admire works of art or drive inspiration from them, but because it is a way of investing money. But to my mind, a person who values only property is miserable because mames objects like cars, pictures or precious stones can’t make you happy.
To conclude, I think that possessing property is not a sin, but one should remember the proverb: «Money can’t buy happiness». Some people say that making money with the Internet is reality, while others think it is a myth. The Internet is not only ma,es source of information and entertainment for many people. It can also help wh make money from home. At the same time the Internet business may be hard to break. To my mind, the Internet gives people a great number of opportunities to make money.
Some of them earn money building websites for different companies, organizations or businessmen. Many people use websites to sell different goods or services. Thanks to the Internet, e-learning industry which is estimated to be worth billions of dollars has developed. People also earn money by sending spam, creating computer viruses, putting advertisements on a web page and so on.
However, those who believe that the Internet can help them make millions in a few days may be disappointed. Even hard work does not always result in success.
People usually have to invest some money to develop their online business. What is more, there is usually great competition on the Internet when thousands of other people are tthe to sell similar goods or services. So if you want to succeed, you should be original in order to stand out from the crowd. To sum up, the Internet may motivate people to earn money. I strongly feel that if you are not afraid of difficulties, if you are hard-working, energetic and persistent, the Internet business will help you become richer.
Some people say that high social status is very morf for everybody. Others are convinced that it is better to have a high income. In modern societies, a person’s social status depends on many factors including their income, education, occupation, inherited wealth and position, ownerships, personal skills, abilities and efforts.
Some omre achieve high social status through education, occupation, and marital status. But statuses can also be inherited through family. To my mind, it is difficult to say which is more important: high social status or a high income.
Sometimes an individual’s social positions have both positive and negative influence on their social status. For example, a teacher has a positive societal image which increases his status but may earn little money, which simultaneously decreases it.
In contrast, a drug dealer, may have low social position though have a high income. There are a lot of professions that are not prestigious, but well-paid and vice versa.
Personally, I would prefer having high social status to being rich. Some people say that they would rather have low social status but earn much money. They are convinced that money can make them powerful and independent. Such people also say that we live in the world where almost everything can be bought and sold, even high social status. But I think that a person must be respected only for his or her individual merits and achievements. To sum up, both a person’s income and social status depend on him or her and may be changed in the course of his or her life.
So if you want to be wealthy, respected and successful, you ij work hard to achieve this goal.
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