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Make money with twine game engine

make money with twine game engine

Although plenty of independent games venture where mainstream games fear to tread, Twine represents something even more radical: the transformation of video games into something that is not only consumed by the masses but also created by them. Good luck. I’d like to keep the dialogue up on this topic, and Patreon is always a cool option but, as others have noted, not tremendously reliable for income. And a 60k email list. Facebook in particular. Look, I can throw fireballs!

Twine Forum. Koney, Stranger! It looks like you’re new. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! Sign In Register. Categories Recent Discussions.

Twine has been used to create hundreds of works. Here’s a sample:

make money with twine game engine
Porpentine is a game designer, writer, and curator for freeindiegam. She primarily makes Twine games, which are choose your own adventure style games that are accessible, short, and welcoming. You can play them in a browser on your lunchbreak with some headphones on. But in my mind Porpentine looks like a hot cyberpunk cyborg, eyes aglow, a textual goddess alight with burning fluorescent punctuation. She does not walk anywhere: she glides, riffing in smeared lipstick, sly grin, sylph-like limbs; those she touches have typography bleed up their arms and flash into their bursting hearts.

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Twine Forum. Howdy, Stranger! It looks like you’re new. If you want to mkney involved, click one of these buttons! Sign In Register. Categories Recent Discussions. Categories 4.

January in Chit-Chat. I was wondering if any Twine users have Patreon as a source of income, or how many Twine users use Twine to create something that brings them any form of income. I’ve paid for premium membership there, but it seems like their forums for premium membership are dead. I can’t find any forum on their site that isn’t over a year old. January I’m trying to using Patreon. So far, it hasn’t worked but it can’t hurt to leave it there and hope some people stumble on it while browsing.

I do keep it updated to make sure that it does appear when browsing; if you don’t post regularly, Patreon promotes it less and. If you’re active, you’re more likely to get patrons. My Patreon I’d be eternally grateful if you would share my page; I’ll do the same for you if monsy make one. January edited January You might consider game-hosting sites like itch. You can mame games for free or for very cheap but allow the option for people to make larger donations if they’re feeling generous.

And of course, you could then link from that site to your Patreon. Let us know how it goes! Thank you for the suggestion! The only people I’ve personally seen living off a twine game have been making very adult ones.

But even for those guys, I’d recommend mkney your day job. February Well of course. Your first instinct with a calculator is to turn it upside down and type That said, I’m starting to think about Twine-ing my own salacious stories. Maybe I’ll even call it. February edited February I usually had a redemption path just in case they were really poor at decision-making. It’s all fun until your soul dies a little when you can’t tell anyone about your day job.

There’s always someone with an even more interesting career than yours But to be back on topic: I thought the Lifeline mobile app was developed with Or something like Twine? But I might be misremembering. March I didn’t expect to receive this many comments, it’s refreshing. Sorry for not keeping up with it, I’ve been busy with tine studies. Amolith I’ve never set up a Patreon account, but I do have a Twitter account.

Mkney share it on Twitter, and maybe you can tell me how I go about making a Patreon account catering to Interactive Fiction made with Twiner? AbramFrost I have had no activity on my Patreon since I’ve started it.

I will definitely give you advice on the technical details of setting it up I’ll even do it for you, if you wish but it is very hard to get it «out twien. I shared it on FB and a mmake of my friends shared it but it never got up off the ground. It might be good if someone started a thread where people post their Patreon accounts and everyone publicizes everyone else’s accounts. Amolith AbramFrost I wouldn’t suggest a Patreon until you already have a fanbase.

Otherwise, it looks a little sad when you have no donators; people are more prone to giving if they 1 already know who you are and 2 see other people giving.

But that’s just my advice! I’m also attempting to use Patreon. The few patrons I’ve got so far are all friends and family, but I’m hoping I’ll be able to get more interest once I’ve released and publicised my first game.

I set up a patreon account for multiple purposes; I’m hoping to put my latest Twine project up there eventually. April April edited April I don’t know about anyone else, but my current plan is once I’m done converting this big honking k RPG script into twine, to add a ‘Donate’ button into the game’s left menu and link that to a Patreon account.

Typically, I’d agree that you’d want to build up a fanbase before asking for money at least effectivelybut if I release a game with that much work out of nowhere for free, I’m happy to leave my hat on the table for anyone who wants to throw in loose change. I imagine Eric Barone, who made Stardew Valley, probably felt the same way. But as I said before, I don’t think money is a good primary motivator for making a text-based indie game.

There’s a lot of better ways to earn cash. I do agree that hype generates hype, and success begets success. I believe as a general rule that’s why authors make more based on the number of books they’ve released, not purely by the quality of each book. That said, it really depends also on if you’re giving the audience something they want more of and would gzme to see that happen. All of this is my opinion, of course.

Other readers and authors probably have entirely different takes. DairynGM I guess I’m just afraid nobody will like my stories on itch. Eengine — All my favorite games have neither of. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good if you can pull it off, but if you can’t it comes off as immersion breaking.

Sometimes simplicity in design is a strength, which is what quite a few digital marketers are falling back on these days. Seedship is an example of a small but really awesome game with none of that stuff. Or, well, I didn’t turn my sound on, but I assume there was no sound. DairynGM Thanks for the words of encouragement Gary. I’ve been having trouble with the word limits, and hazy submission guidelines of one of the publishers paying for interactive fiction.

If they don’t like my story, perhaps I’ll just upload it to itch and see what happens. Alternatively, if you’re producing a novel-length project with many tendrils which you regularly update, you could offer a «delayed subscription» model, where the latest version is published first to subscribers, and then to others in some day esque delay or similar waiting period. I’d love to make money with twine game engine a bounty if any of the major format developers expresses interest in doing this to help make distribution easier for creators.

I havent fully looked at this yet but I was rather hoping to use a cordova wrapper intelXDK or Phone Gap and wrap it up as a mobile app and apply a select amount of adverts maybe at the beginning and end allowing you to monetize it. Though I dont think you will become a millionaire from it, a little income might be nice. Sign In or Register to comment. Forum Software Powered by Omney.


I prefer working in Twine as opposed to Choice Script, for example because it makes it easy to visualize the story through it’s GUI. Is she a pawn other use to ensure his loyalty, or is she at risk of following her father down a dark path too? It really is as simple as. Kitty Horrorshow. June It can turn your basic text adventure into a multimedia extravaganza rivaling such adventure games as Myst or Beneath the Steel Sky. Twine emphasizes the visual structure of hypertext, and does not require knowledge of a programming language as many other game development tools. You will need a team. Here is what draws me to the language:. They focus as much on Bruce Wayne as they do Batman, and make money with twine game engine influence on the world.


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