How to become a rapper with no money Starting without money at all is difficult and you need to invest lots of time in order to achieve satisfactory results. Well, we finally reached the first out-of-pocket expense for the video. Spyder the Wardrobe Wizard Extraordinaire.
Affiliate marketing
A professional rap video is one of the best ways for both musicians and filmmakers to get their art out into the world. Music videos, in general, are stylish, short, and manageable productions. Furthermore, there is no limit to what a music video can be about, as you have free rein to shoot a mini-movie or just an awesome set of visuals for the rapper to spit in front of. In general, rap videos are driven by stylish visual flair — the sort of thing you could have in the background of a club or party with or without sound. This article was co-authored by our trained how to make a rap video without money of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Together, they cited information from 11 references. Categories: Rapping Making Music Videos.
It’s easy. You just have to be sort of a con artist.
Making videos on YouTube can be very lucrative if executed correctly. Unfortunately, many beginner YouTube creators believe that if they make quality videos, and allow ads to appear on their videos, the cash will begin to flow in. However, many of those creators come to find out that YouTube is not a sustainable income source. In fact, while it is impossible to give an exact number, you can estimate that a video will make a dollar for every thousand views. First of all, let’s remember that this is YouTube’s platform and it doesn’t have any responsibility to pay its creators, but it chooses to regardless. It starts with the consumers, who pay the advertiser, who then pays YouTube, who finally pays the creator. By the end, there isn’t much money left over.
Talent and skills
A professional rap video is one of the best ways for both musicians and filmmakers to get their art out into the world. Music videos, in general, are stylish, short, and manageable productions.
Furthermore, there is no limit to what a music video can be about, as you have free rein to shoot a mini-movie or just an awesome set of visuals for the rapper to spit in front of. In general, rap videos are driven by stylish visual flair — the sort of thing you could have in the background of a club or party with or without sound.
This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Together, they cited information from 11 references. Categories: Rapping Making Music Videos. Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading Civic Loading No account yet? Create an account. Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy.
Article Edit. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Learn more Method 1. Choose a theme or visual motif. This simply a common set of colors, locations, or a mood that guides all of your shots Professional rap videos tend to rely on creative visuals while the rapper spits his lines into the camera. These themes can range from a lavish hip-hop lifestyle 2 Chainz’s «Birthday Song» to a simple but striking visual theme.
Craig Mack’s «Flava in Ya Ear,» for example, uses stark black and white shots on a white background that makes each rapper a unique, screen-filling phenomenon. The song’s mood — do the visuals fit alongside it or seem contradictory?
The budget — more locations means more time and more money. Decide if you want to tell a story. Not all rap songs need to tell a story, and most don’t. But some videos will even split the difference, interspersing a short story throughout more traditional shots, like in T.
It is simple, but effective, especially with the ending skit that reveals it was all a daydream. Remember that all film stories come down to three questions — who is the protagonist, what do they want, and how do they try to get it? Keep stories bound to one or two locations and actors. The more complex the story, the more difficult your shoot will be. Scout out cool locations for your rapper to perform in front of. This is the main event of most professional rap videos, and higher-budget videos might have locations.
Watch a few of your favorite videos and note where they place the rappers. Some of the most common how to make a rap video without money include: Hometown streets how to make a rap video without money neighborhood joints if in public, call the Chamber of Commerce for film permits.
Party locations, like houses, pools, or the beach. Rooftops Graffiti tagged walls or deep city environments be sure to check with the original artist, when possible. Green screens, allowing you free rein of backgrounds. Round up extras through friends, family, and advertisements. A great rap video looks a lot like a party, and will be played in the background of parties and clubs.
So don’t leave your rapper all on their. Round up as many people as you can to have fun in the background, especially your more attractive friends. Put out an ad on Craigslist or visit the local colleges to try and round up warm bodies.
It is good practice to buy the extras and crew lunch, as that alone entices many people to get involved. Pick up a few dancers to flank your rapper, or a «feature dancer» to star in the video.
There is no rule that a video must have dancers, but there aren’t many that don’t. Because sex sells! If you don’t want to work with background dancers, consider getting a feature dancer — the one woman or man who your rapper and camera focus most of their attention on.
They can be a love interest or just a good-looking dancer, but either way they give you a little more shot variety right off the bat. Feature dancers are the second «star» of the video, which usually means they need to be in the «story» shots too, if you have.
Consider who will handle the choreography for dancers. Remember that, if you have dancers, someone will have to choreograph.
There are several options if you don’t know how to dance, or have too much on your plate to choreograph yourself: Ask the dancers you hire if they are willing to choreograph as well, especially for a higher fee. Keep the dancing loose — let the dancers improvise as if they were at a party. Hire or consult a dedicated choreographer.
College dance departments are a great, low-cost place to start asking. Ensure that you have the necessary equipment for a professional shoot. Luckily for you, all you really need for a music video is at least one camera and some lights, since all of the video’s sound will come from the song.
In a pinch, get a bunch of bulbs and clamp lights from a local hardware store. Essential Miscellaneous Equipment: Speakers to play songextension cables, power strips, black tape, tool set, back-up batteries and memory cards, necessary permits. Use your desired shots and equipment craft to make a budget.
No filmmaker likes budgeting, but it is the difference between many amateurs and the professionals. Keep your budget simple and realistic. Do you need 10 fake guns, or can you live with 2? Can you shoot closer to the stage and use 5 extras instead of 15? Solve these issues now, not the day before shooting. Things to remember include: Equipment you must rent Location and permit fees Props and costumes Crew fees. It is possible to get crews for free check local collegesbut it rare to get help for more than a weekend without pay Food and transportation costs per day of shooting.
Double this if you want to capture sound like dialogue in a story scene. Method 2. Diagram any story shots in advance. Grab a pen and paper, or print out some storyboards from the internet.
A storyboard is simply a comic-book version of your video, which allows you play with the shots and ideas without wasting time or money on set. Remember that a story, at minimum, needs three parts, which you can diagram or illustrate any way you want.
For an example, check out the humorous story in Das Racist’s «Girl,» which almost anyone could shoot on a minimal budget: The Problem: First, we meet the characters — a gorgeous girl and a working class boy who is immediately in love with. She doesn’t notice. The Struggle: Second, we realize the boy doesn’t have the courage to talk to her, so he follows her instead. Using purely visual jokes, the video explores his increasingly funny attempts to get close to. The Resolution: He gets beaten up for his love by some thugs, but he doesn’t give up.
In a hilarious reversal of expectation, he makes his move finally — on Facebook. Use the cameras to find your angles for each location, then set the actors up in a «dry run. In general, your goal when lighting is to have a few deep, dark blacks, small sections with clear whites, and a large range of grays and other colors in.
The hours before sunset and after sunrise have the best lighting of the day. Overcast days, however, are the most useful, since the light is calm but widespread under the clouds. While three lights with even shadows are the norm, don’t discount more adventurous lighting patterns, like Coolio’s «Gangster’s Paradise,» which uses interrogation-type lighting for a extra dramatic feel.
It can help to prep shots in black and white mode to see how the lighting looks without color. A good shot in black and white will look great in color, usually. Keep your direction simple and loose, especially with extras. This isn’t a feature film requiring precise, coordinated movements. Let people have fun and keep your direction simple. In general, you’ll have the best results by letting people bring their own personality on camera instead of micromanaging.
Shoot takes with the song playing and rapper rapping. If something happens to your production you want to be sure you have enough footage for a full video as soon as possible. Pick your favorite locations and run through the whole song several times, ensuring you could put a video together even you can’t film again for some reason. Take multiple angles here instead of shooting the same shot three times. If you know the first one is good, move the camera before doing it.
Make sure the rapper is the focus of most shots. Rap is a personality-driven art form, where the individual rapper is the main force behind albums, videos, and sales.
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The Struggle: Second, we realize the boy doesn’t have howw courage to talk to her, so he follows her instead. They start gaining experience on creating music videos for artists, and they can use your videos to enrich their portfolio. We use cookies to aithout wikiHow great. A storyboard is simply a comic-book version of your video, which allows you play with the shots and ideas without wasting time or money on set. Google Loading
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